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About Us

Kidz connect Early Learning Centre

Kidz connect Early Learning Centre is a privately owned service which will ensure you that the highest level of care is guaranteed for your children.


At Kidz connect Early Learning Centre, we are committed to provide every child the best possible start in life. Our early learning programs support children build the social-emotional, language and thinking skills they need to develop holistically.

Our Centre is open Monday to Friday from 6am to 6pm except (excluding public holidays) and led by a team of qualified and experienced educators who are passionate about educating and caring for children. Our fresh, home-cooked meals are prepared on-site, we design a delicious rotating menu each week that caters to the nutritional needs of growing bodies.

Our Commitment to you

There is more to early learning than simply care - the early years are fundamental to a child’s emotional, cognitive, and social development. Research suggests that a quality early childhood education sets a child up for success throughout their school years and even later in life. At Kidz Connect Early Learning Centre we are focused on providing our families with quality programs to support children’s learning and development from birth right through to school age. Our children and our families are at the heart of our service. Our commitment to you and your child is that we take the time to invest in our centre and our people, so that they can best support your child, nurture them, empower them and help them to grow. We know that doing this goes a long way to ensuring that the children in our care can flourish.



Starting at a new early learning centre can be full of emotions for both families and children. To support you in this transition we can arrange some ‘stay and play’ days prior to your child beginning care, to support them to form attachments and bonds with their educators. Building strong relationships with you, your child and your family is very important to us and makes a real difference to the early learning outcomes for your child. We especially like to know as much as we can about your child’s interests, likes, dislikes and any special needs they may have. This will become integral as our team incorporates your child’s interests into our educational programs, so please take the time to share information about your child with their educators regularly.

Daily Communication

At Kidz Connect Early learning centre we use a Centre-to-Family communication platform so families can maintain contact with their children’s experiences through photos, stories and learning outcomes.

Our Centre use OWNA and each family is provided with a secure login to access on their computers, mobiles, or apps.

OWNA, an easy-to-use mobile app that helps childcare centre and educators stay better connected with families.

Our Educators use OWNA for recording and tracking daily events and activities in the classroom and managing administrative tasks. As a parent, you can use the OWNA application to:

  • View children's Daily Stats (meal, sleep, bottles etc) with past history

  • Record Attendances digitally (time logged, signature captured)

  • View Writeups, Images and Videos

  • Read Children's Portfolios

  • Notify Centre of Non-Attendances

  • Upload Immunisation Record

  • View Programs, Policy Documents & more

  • Events Calendar

  • View Newsletters

  • Secure Communication with Centre

  • Receive Notification Alerts

  • View statements/invoices

  • Plus loads more…

The below link will help parents to know on how OWNA helps families stay connected:

                        5 Ways OWNA Helps Families Stay Connected.



Health and Safety

Our service offers a consistently high level of safety, that considers every aspect of each child physical and emotional wellbeing. We also ensure hygiene practices are implemented to a high standard and are in line with recognised health and hygiene standards.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Our Service offers a range of extra-curricular activities every day to support children’s holistic development and wellbeing. Our engaging extra-curricular activities such as sports, dance, music and language. We also liaise with families to identify what has been the latest interest with their children to develop activities to support their interests.


Meals/ Menu

Our service provides a nutritious menu of morning tea, hot lunch, and afternoon tea, as well as a variety fresh fruit and snacks. These meals are freshly prepared on a daily basis by qualified cooks and have specific expertise in childhood nutrition. Over 50% of your child’s recommended daily intake is provided on a daily basis, and the menus are changed on a regular basis. We also provide an individualised menu to those children who suffer from any known or suspected allergies, and we completely exclude those more common potential allergens (e.g. peanut butter) as a precaution.

Fees and Child Care Subsidy

Families of today face many financial struggles and that is why we try to keep our fees as low as possible.  

Our fees and charges are adjusted each year in line with the cost of living. Our fees are based on a daily rate or session fee (we do not provide half days). We are proud to say that our fees are the most cost effective in our communities. For information on our current fee please contact the centre.

All children’s booked days, including public holidays and absent days must be paid to retain your child place.

Childcare Care Subsidy (CCS) is available for families whose income meets the eligibility criteria. You can apply for the Child Care Subsidy at any Centrelink office or through the myGov by:

  • Sign in to myGov and go to Centrelink.

  • Select Payment and Claims from the menu, then Claims, then Make a claim.

  • Under Families, select Get started.

  • Answer all the questions. Each screen has information to help you complete the claim. This includes how to submit your supporting documents.

  • Submit your claim.

For help, use the online guide to claim Child Care Subsidy.

This should be lodged prior to your child commencing care as the Child Care Subsidy only applies from the date of lodgement.

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